Monday, May 14, 2012

Summative assessment

Write an information report on sustainable ways to manage waste.

Choose two kinds of waste materials from the list below and report on sustainable ways to manage them.
You should write your Report in your own words.
You need to use appropriate technical vocabulary and details of all steps. Proofread and edit before you submit your report.
You must include a bibliography of all the resources you have used to research your information.
Types of waste materials: glass, plastic, textiles, paper, food scraps, household waste, metal, garden waste.

Assessment rubric 
Report organizer 

LIRC resources: Britannica, KidsInfobits and BrainPop/BrainPop jr.

Research websites:

Recycling tips of different types of waste

Metal, plastic and glass

Recycling glass 

Managing plastic waste

Plastic, glass and paper

Reusing plastic bottles

The glass recycling cycle

How to compost food scraps

Worm bin by kids: How to make it?

Recycling Facts & Fun

Kids can recycle beverage containers 

Recycling facts

Textiles waste solution

16-Foot Clothing Mountain Illustrates Hong Kong’s Daily Textile Waste

Hong Kong aims to reduce textile waste

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